HLHS - one day at a time !

This post and some subsequent ones talk about the complications and areas of concern that Krisha faced post surgery. I found such accounts very useful in preparing myself for what to expect and also being cautious about issues that might come up for HLHS patients. Hope this is helpful.

HLHS - one day at a time, part I
The first 10 days of Krisha's surgery was facing lots of ups and downs and really coming to terms with understanding the intricacies and complex parameters that were involved with HLHS

HLHS - one day at a time, part II
Day 10 to day 34 of Krisha being in the hospital and stepping down from the PICU to the NICU (Neonatal ICU) - took longer than we had hoped but so happy when it finally happened

HLHS - one day at a time, part III
Day 35 to day 51, Krisha in the NICU where the focus was on regularising her diet and make her put on weight which was imperative for her second stage surgery

HLHS - one day at a time, part IV
Day 52 onwards, moving closer to coming home

HLHS - one day at a time, part V
Finally home